Study is the last thing any student wants to think about over the Christmas Break. Students are probably looking forward to a nice relaxing time away from school and study. However doing some over the break can be very beneficial and it will help reduce stress and take the pressure off once you are back to school – giving you a head start. You will have the chance to get a good bit of work done without the pressures of schoolwork if you stay focused and keep organised.
Here’s how:
Having a study plan will also keep you motivated.
It may also be a good idea to make a timetable of how long you will spend on each thing you need to get done. Having a timetable will give your days a routine.
Make your plan a realistic and reachable one. Make sure to allocate equal time to your subjects and, if needed, more time to ones you find difficult. Start your day of with the subjects you find the hardest when your brain is still fresh, and conclude with those you find enjoyable and studying them comes to you naturally and effortlessly.
Often students often get tired and find it hard to concentrate towards the end of the day so make sure to avoid this situation by giving yourself a proper break in-between and coming back energized and recharged to conquer the rest of your study.
Also, make sure to avoid just skimming over the material from your favourite subject because you think you know it well already. You may know it now but believe us, dedicating appropriate amount of time to it during you Christmas revision will reward you during exam time as it will be fresh in your head.
For the timetable you can print off a template which will save you a fair bit of time or you can create your own and use it as a relaxing activity either create one by hand or make a virtual one using websites such as Canva.
Getting up reasonably early to get your study done can be very advantageous. Your brain will be more alert and it will be easier to concentrate, you will be more likely to be more productive as there will probably be less distractions in the morning. If you get your studying done in the morning then you will have the afternoon and evening to relax.
If you study at the same time each day and in the same place your brain will stay focused and it also means you will stay organised. Try to get up at the time you usually would for school during the week, then reward yourself by having a sleep-in at the weekends.
Don’t simply roll out of bed and start studying, wake up a few minutes earlier and make yourself a adequate healthy breakfast that will carry you through the morning, studying on an empty stomach is a no-go as you will lose any concentration you have and simply result in you wasting time.