A mind map is a diagram of a concept that stretches out into detail through branches and stems, like a tree. It allows you to visualise clearly the connections between topics/subjects/theories. A mind map can turn a long list of information into a colourful, memorable and highly organised diagram that works in line with your brain’s natural way of doing things.
For those of you who have never used it before, Miro is a free online collaborative whiteboard software enabling users to brainstorm ideas using digital sticky notes. Imagine it as a whiteboard with a stack of sticky notes down one side. As you think of a word or concept, jot it down on a sticky note and pop it into the mind map. It is a quick, simple and environmentally friendly way to create informative mind maps.
Below is an example of a mind map we made.
If you’re struggling with coming up with information for a topic you can share your board with your friends/family members or a teacher who can collaborate with you and add information.
Obviously, this is an example, so you can be as creative as you like when creating your own mindmaps.
You can look at your boards/maps when you’re revising that topic again. The colours, images, emojis and branches you’ve used will jump out at you when you look at it again, helping you recall the information easily.
Good Luck!
iRevise Team
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