Over a couple of hours, skim through each of your topics, see what standard of knowledge you have and its importance out often and see where you stand and see what subjects you need to focus on.
Create a plan for the Junior Cert or Leaving Cert for the coming weeks. Stick to it. No messing about! Print off a couple of schedules and, stick one to the fridge, that way, your family will know what you’re working on and when you need to be left alone.
No lying in bed all day, just get up. Five minutes after you get up, you’ll be glad you did. The house is quiet and before you know it, you’ll have a couple of hours of study finished.
Got an old Nokia lying around the house? Use it for a couple of weeks. After a few days, when your withdrawals are gone, you’ll feel pleasantly peaceful and won’t be distracted, you will have more time to focus on studying. Not an option? there are apps you can download that lock your phone for a set amount of time, preventing distraction.
For example, in P.E, the acronym F.I.T.T = Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type. The catchier the rhyme is, the more likely it’ll stick in your head. Bonus points if they can make you laugh!
Bring them with you. The body needs water to be effective so stay hydrated. It also has been proven to increase mental capacity and overall mood!
Need to remember a scene from Macbeth? Act it out with anyone you can find. It may sound stupid, but it will help you remember.
Reading through a chapter is fine, but testing yourself really makes it stick. Got a little brother hanging around? Grab him and make him ask you some random questions from your topic and fully test your knowledge.
This is without a doubt, one of the most effective forms of revision. They help you understand the exam structure, the question structure and manage your time properly; one of the many student downfalls.
Panicking and getting nervous is the worst thing you can do, you will just end up wasting time with ineffective cramming, or throwing in the towel altogether. Use the next few weeks carefully and wisely, the summer holidays are just around the corner.